Digital Camera Question?
Kevin Merrill
2006-09-12 19:31:31 UTC
I am interested in buying a digital camera. I was wondering what kind of camera I should get if I want professional looking pictures. I want it to take really high quality images, and look great. I realized I was interested in buying this camera after viewing really high quality character promos for TV Shows I like. What kind of camera should I buy if I want the pictures to turn out that good?
Eleven answers:
2006-09-12 19:49:55 UTC
I've attached a link to a website that I've personally used to research digital cameras. Try it out. I've used other ratings sites and this was the best. The reviews are detailed and there are lots of sample photos and charts. The reviewer is VERY nit-picky (a good thing) and we ended up buying his top pick last year and ended up with a GREAT camera! (His top picks aren't always the most expensive ones.)

Think about how you will use the camera. What kind of photos will you be taking? How often? How small must the camera be? How much of an optical zoom do you need? Are you an amateur? An expert? What can you realistically afford? The answers to these questions should determine what to buy.

Do your homework. Good luck!
2006-09-12 20:39:37 UTC
A big part of how good your pictures turn out depend on how much you know about taking pictures. I mean, you can have the best camera in the world, but if you don't know how to use it properly you are going to get crappy results and your investment will have been a total waste of money.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I would suggest at least a 5 Megapixal camera or better.

There are a number of good quality digital cameras that offer a wide variety of automatic shooting modes with some wide angle to telephoto zoom capability built in. Some of them even have a macro setting for close up photography.

However, if you really want flexablity and a camera that will grow as you learn, then I would suggest a digital SLR. I would stick with the major brands like Canon, Nikon, and ect., as they have been around for a very long time and they are top quality.

Personally, I prefer Canon cameras and printers. I bought my first Canon 35mm SLR back in the 70's and took thousands of pictures with it. Then, a little over a year or so later, I traded it in a bought a much better model and a second body, and took several thousand pictures with the two cameras over the years.

I finally retired those cameras and bought a newer model around 6 years ago, I think.

Now, I have my eye on the Canon digital SLR (the new Digital Rebel XTi or the Digital Rebel XT). Either one would do just fine for me, and they would work with the lenses and flash that I already have for my 35mm camera.
2006-09-12 19:56:25 UTC
Hi there!

1.Depends by your budget.

2.You want to look for Digital SLR cameras made by Canon or Nikon.

3. A super zoom or "bridge" camera is a good start if a DSLR is too expensive for you.

check this:


A - "professional looking pictures" = photographer skills (!!! 1st !!!) + good camera (2nd). A high top quality DLSR Camera Kit is worth nothing if you have no skills. So start with a book about photography.

B - a professionist is a "pro" when he get paid for that photos. The quality of a photo is not about if you get paid or no for that photo. That so you CAN have many very good photo WITHOUT to be... a "pro".
sara d
2006-09-12 19:52:20 UTC
If you want your pictures to turn out as great as commercial photography it will take more than just a good camera....a lot goes into those pictures. If you are just looking for a good camera to take great pictures in your every day life look for a digital camera with 8+ megapixels, if you don't want to spend that much go for something with more than 5...anything less than that and you will notice a grain that you obviously don't want. If you really want what the professionals use then type "professional digital cameras" in your search engine but beware! The price will be 2K and up....without anything but a standard lens. To take pictures just like those expensives ads you will need proper lighting, the camera, the flash, the filters, the computer software to manipulate all the imperfections and a good eye. Equipment...upwards of 10K, a good eye...priceless :D
2006-09-12 19:51:36 UTC
The real issue is how much you want to spend on a camera. In the digital realm you probably are looking at a minimum of 8 mega pixels for professional quality pictures. I use an Olympus evolt e500 although the e3oo is also a good outfit. You can see some of the images I have taken with mine at in the albums I have there. I you go to at that same site you will find links to good deals on cameras on the left column.

The truth is that really high quality pictures rely more upon other things than the camera. You can actually get good pictures with just about any camera if you have the eye for it, and the training.

I also have a photography blog at

I am a photographer and a student at the New York Institute of Photography.

I have taken very good shots with a 6 mega pixel camera but far prefer the 8 mega pixel. The things to consider when buying your camera are the ability to over ride automatic settings, changeable lens capability and storage media for the pictures. (the Olympus evolts hold both an xd card and a cf card at the same time.)
2016-10-26 04:23:04 UTC
For high quality image files you need a camera with a physically large sensor (not just with a huge number of Mps [megapixels] - at the lower end of the market a big Mp count is there solely to sell cameras). Thus you might need a DSLR, or a CSC (mirrorless) or a bridge camera with large sensor. Expect to pay above £300/$400. Expect the camera to be bigger and clunkier than a pocket camera.

But the mere possession of a good camera does not get you wonderfully artistic and well-lit photos. You need the "eye", and the knowledge of how to use the camera, and the knowledge of how to use appropriate software or apps.
2006-09-13 10:05:24 UTC
Your question is akin to asking which cello to buy to sound like Yo-Yo Ma. The answer is you need a basic, solid cello to start, but proper skills are paramount. If you'd like to learn photography, I suggest:

1. Buy an entry level DSLR such as Canopn Rebel XT or Nikon D50. That will be your basic, solid camera.

2. Spend some time at Barnes and Nobles to pick a photography book you like. "The Camera" by Ansel Adams is a great start.

3. Check out this website/podcast if reading is not your thing:

4. Once you get a hang for it and decide you really want to pursue this, you can sell your inexpensive gear on eBay and invest in the truly great equipment that will allow you to take the photographs you saw. Photography is fun and you can achieve the quality once you truly delve into it. Good luck!
Hope this Helps
2006-09-12 20:43:19 UTC
If this is your first digital camera you may want to do some research first on what makes a good camera.

Everything you ever wanted to know about digital photography and cameras and more:

Buying a Digital Camera:,1759,1645355,00.asp

If you will be using the camera for personal use, instead of professional, I would suggest that you do not invest close to $1000 for a camera.

Try a cheaper one first. You may be surprised at the quality of the pictures. The canon powershot series cameras come in a variety of features (and prices). The Powershot 530 is a nice camera (about $199--when not on sale).
Jimmy Crack Corn
2006-09-12 19:39:09 UTC
2006-09-12 19:35:33 UTC
Depends on the amount you want to spend. You can get excellent photos from a Canon Rebel XT 8.0 mp. The cost of the camera is about $800.00.

I have gotten really nice photos with my Canon S2IS that is a 5 mp. cost around $400. It is all about personal preference though.
2006-09-12 19:39:18 UTC
look around at

You can compare cameras by pictures quality.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.