Boy, this is an interesting question. I gave it a star and I can't wait to read what all the usual suspects have to say. I will even stay out of the argument and enjoy the comments.
I say that it's interesting, because what we USUALLY get is simply, "Which brand is better?" and this does not require much thought in an answer. In fact, it prompts me to post one of my boilerplate answers so I can move on.
The truth is, everyone is right. While it is no secret that I am a Nikon user and a big fan of Nikon, we are all mature enough to recognize that the way the camera feel to YOU is very important. I have a Nikon D200 and my wife hates it. It's too heavy for her. She loves her D50, though, and she can keep up with me quite easily. I showed the D200 to our neighbor - a very petite lady of 4'11" - she loved it so much she went out and bought one. She has to actually lean backwards to balance while she holds the thing, but it feels "rock solid" to her and the controls match her hand position. This will help her be a better photographer more than any whistles and bells than Nikon chose to use that Canon ignored. Or vice versa.
When you make this kind of purchase, you have to feel the camera in your hands. Clavestone (who must feel like a candle in the darkness sometimes) is correct when he says, "I Nikon vs Canon is alot like Coke vs Pepsi. Some of us don't follow the trend and like RC Cola or even Coffee to get our caffeine." I'm sure he does better with the Pentax than he would with the Nikon or Canon just because it feels right to him. He switched from Nikon film cameras to Pentax digital. I swtiched from Pentax film cameras to Nikon digital. I started out with Exakta, but soon had a Pentax Spotmatic. I used Pentax film cameras from about 1968 (and my dad's prior to that) to the present day. I held out and held out, hoping that my dear Pentax would become a serious player in the digitial world, but they are very conservative and I couldn't wait any longer. Actually, I hated Nikon cameras and had a real bias against them which went back to their trash marketting from the 60's, so it was hard for me to even try one. I overcame my bias and now I love Nikon digital SLR's.
I can tell you all of the reasons I like Nikon better than Canon, but they are really very personal reasons. You can click on my icon and read any number of my previous responses to see what I think about that technical stuff. In fact, I guess I can't resist totally. Here's a link to what is now my stock answer and it has a link to a review that compares the two cameras you mentioned:
But... since you sound like a serious and considered shopper, you need to take matters - and cameras - into your own hand and go visit Mom'n'Pop at the camera store and see what you think.