2014-05-21 21:10:14 UTC
The one thing I'm really concerned about is the build quality. I'm worried, that if I drop it it will shatter. I have big hands and a big grip, it feels a tad small and plasticy for my tastes. I like the fake leather design and heavier and metal clad build of the amateur and professional bodies.
I could just buy a battery grip and keep it, this is where I ask your advice.
Other things, such are burst fps, the clickwheel for adjusting in manual mode (soooo much faster than the buttons on the Rebel lineup) and the weather sealing are other factors that make me consider another camera.
Now, since I have a Canon I am looking at other Canons. I like the looks of the 20/30/40D, but I've even looked at some professional models such as the 1D mkII. I also am fond of Nikons, but once again I would have to state a new inventory of lenses if I bought one.
I don't want to pay over 350$ for the body really. I don't need much better image quality or noise performance than my 350D has, either.
I plan on using the body for general purposes (all scenarios, the lenses are what I change regularly).
And please don't question my shooting experience.