ah the joys of a lack of experience,
at short focal lengths, ie 70mm, the DOF is less apparent than it is on a longer lens, say, 135mm.
the easiest way is to use macro, (upto 2m) or set F1.8... however, its easier to photoshop it, than buy another lens...
using the cam on auto wont help, check the default settings
and just try it, shooting and checking... but, the old principle, of stand back and zoom in still works, but you have to remember, although the lenses and cameras look the same, they dont behave the same way as 35mm, the optics are different..
i use olympus cameras, and the difference between F1.8, and F22 on a short lens, 14mm is almost imperceptible untill you enlarge it. yet, with a 135mm lens, i get all the seperation i need...
read about DOF calculations with digital lenses... but, the closer you are, the greater the effect... (only on longer focal lenses.)
which is why the press snappers use hideously expensive glass... them huge white lenses, 300mm, and F2... (its normally about F8) thats how they get a limited DOF... and most of us havent got 5 thousand pounds...
thankfully, the rest of us have photoshop, painstshop pro x2, even has an appplet to recreate DOF...