What are some key terms when demonstrating how to use the SLR camera? (doesn't matter if it's D-SLR or SLR)?
xThe Poisonx
2008-09-30 10:13:31 UTC
Just want to make sure I didn't forget anything important

-long/short depth of fields (aperture) (f/stop)
-shutter speed

Thank you.
Three answers:
2008-09-30 11:04:56 UTC
Do you need just buzz words, or the actual meanings?

Ok, here are the buzz words, let me know if you want more explanations:

First, don't mix depth of field and aperture in the same bullet. They are different beasts. depth of field depends on aperture, but not just on aperture. It also depends on focal length and distance to subject. So you can use it as separate bullet to demonstrate how it can be controlled in SLR.

focus is good one - manual vs automatic. Multiple focusing zones, pre-focus, continuous focus vs. single focus.

iso - you got it.

shutter speed - yep, got that. Slow vs. fast.

Other buzz words you missed:

- Focal length (as mentioned above) and lens interchangeability (buzz words: bayonet mount, zoom lens, prime lens, fast lens vs. slow lens, image stabilization)

Then we've got external lightning use. Buzz words here: strobe, flash, Hot shoe, PC-cord, slow sync (first curtain, second curtain), TTL and dedicated flashes vs. Automatic or manual, Guide number, etc. Flash sync speed, remote flash triggers and so on.

Well, I don't think this list is exhaustive, but will give you some material to work with...

2008-09-30 12:02:05 UTC
You didn't state your target audience. The following, in random order, could be important.

Shooting mode: auto, program, aperture priority, shutter priority, manual, and idiot modes.

Focal length.

Exposure metering - matrix, spot, center weighted.

Continuous mode shooting and why you might want to leave it in continuous mode normally.

Diffraction (why you shouldn't use a really tiny aperture).

Filters for lenses (polarizing, UV, gradient, tint).

Diopter adjustment for the eyepiece.

Formatting the memory card.

Recovering accidentally deleted images.

Image stabilization.

Slowest hand-held shutter speed one can use.

Image quality versus ISO setting.

Sensor size (APS-C and full).

Lens distortion.

Timer mode.

Rewind for SLRs and how to load/remove film.

Exposure compensation.


Fill flash.

Tripod mount.

Light meter (older SLR issue).

How changing f-stop relates to shutter speed regarding exposure.

White balance.

Film types (Velvia, Ektachrome, Kodachrome, Pan-X...).

Pixels and how many pixels do you really need.

Image compression (JPEG high, low, med; raw and the various forms of compression used in raw).

DPI (why you shouldn't think DPI unless you're printing)

Downloading images to a computer.

Image manipulation programs.
2008-09-30 12:15:02 UTC
what is "proper exposure" and what can affect the meter

different types of metering

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