The best camera in my view for under $200 is the Canon SX130 or SX150 (and I own mostly Nikons).
The advantages are that they have manual mode, which allows them to be more flexible. I have a SX130, and I was even able to get some amount of selective focus out of it - if you ever want go to advanced photography.
I was also able to use a slow shutter speed to "blur" water.
You cannot do advanced things such as this with the cameras you are considering as they don't have manual exposure capability.
Not as good as a DSLR, but some effect nevertheless.
And you don't want a megazoom if you want good quality. As zoom power increases, optical clarity typically decreases. Megazooms are not as much as an advantage as you might think, and 12x in the Canon SX130 is the very maximum I would go, and the lens is still fairly decent optically.