Okay! So I (accidentally) deleted a crap load of pictures off my camera sooo i decided to run a scan on my memory card via my computer to get my deleted pics back. I got 'em back. that was a mouth ago. Now I took my memory card out of the card reader on my vista (it has been sitting in there for like a month) and plugged the card right back into my camera. I get a messages saying "Memory card cannot be read.... Memory card requires formatting {Okay or Cancel}" I say Okay. *Formatting Complete* I rebooted my Camera and it still was giving me the same message! I decided to format it on my computer (by right clicking on the folder and clicking "Format" from the menu). It Finished Formatting in "FAT (default)" and It still didnt work. Hopelessly, I used another Memory Card and got the same 'FormatMe' message so I completed the ENTIRE process over. I have a Kodak EasyShare C190.
Original Memory Card: PNY Optima SD 2GB
Attempt Replace Memory Card: Patriot Memory 2GB Micro SD with adaptor
Lock Protecting Switch - a - ma - jigg on the side of the card: has been both locked and unlocked in EVERY attept.
Formatting Attempts : on Windows 7 Desktop and Windows Vista Desktop.
Is anything not compatible? Is my camera just 'Effed up from me leaving it without any memory for to long. Am I Technologically ignorant (probally not cause im using a computer, lmao. But HEY!)? Whats Up?...