I'd like to stay under $300. I mainly shoot pics of my kids, who are constantly on the move, so I need a camera with no lag time between pressing the button and the shutter actually opening, and with minimal lag time between shots. I will need to print these pics, some up to 8x10", and I'd like to be able to do some heavy cropping, so I'm guessing I need about 6 megapixels or more. An 8x or more optical zoom sounds nice. I'd also like to be able to take a closeup of a face or a flower. What I miss most about my old 35mmSLR camera is the ability to focus on a face, leaving the background blurry, so I want to either have manual controls, or a quick way to get that setting. (With my current digital camera, I have to go through 3 menus to switch to that mode, so I never bother!)
Thanks for any suggestions!