the somebody that told you it was the sensors, are only half right, E45 means it could be the sensors or the internal memory. its strange, but kodak has the same error message for both.
in this review i found (that i have pasted into this answer for you), someone sent their camera off to kodak for the same error message, and they offered to fix the camera for $175.00, they did not say if it was the sensors or the internal memory. so you have a 50/50 chance of getting charged 175.00 or another price. sorry i cant be of more help. its unfortunate that this problem is so common in kodak cameras. honestly when i researched the problem it sounded at first like i wouldent find anything on this error. but its truly a big problem, and kodak will not replace anything unless they charge you.
the next time you are shopping for a new camera, i recomend an HP or a sony.
e#45 (Digital Camera HQ user review)
My wife is a house wife and saves her monies here and there when she baby sits. She surprise me with the LS443m, which cost her over $400.00 3 years ago. It did a great job until it would start fomatting the sim card after down loading the pictures on its own. I coach Soccer and the day I was going to take team photos and surprise eveyone with their own pictures, the E#45error came. After reading all the problems everyone has had, I guess I am done with this camera. I feel real bad because all the sweat my wife put into getting me this item. It was a very good product while it lasted but I will not purchase a Kodak again and I will make people aware of this site.
ERROR 45 (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Camera worked well until I went to Las Vegas Camera just went out with the 45 message. After reading the reviews I will purchase a diffrent camera.
Another Victim (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I was hoping not to join the E45 club but here I am. Same sort of offer from Kodak for the upgrade and not as lucky as HAPPY ENDING was.
Will upgrade to the V603 and hope that this doesn't repeat with that one.
Great while it worked (Digital Camera HQ user review)
First couple of years it was great, then strange things started happening. First, it decided when to work, sometime it wouldn't acknowledge the card, this started happening more and more frequently. The final straw was while we were on vacation, I would turn it on and it immediately turned itself off. That was it for the camera. I do believe that Kodak should do something for it's customers while it still has them. I am now looking for another camera and you can bet it won't be a Kodak.
same black screen (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Beware of Kodak products. Another black screen on this camera.
Truly a lousy product (Digital Camera HQ user review)
The first time it broke, we paid $40 or $50 to Kodak to fix the lens problem. Now a year later, the screen stays black. Never dropped it, got it wet, anything. Camera often "decided on its own" to not allow more pictures into memory card and would only save pics in camera memory. Don't waste your money on this lousy product when other makes are far more reliable.
Twice down - no rebounds (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Don't buy this camera, or any Kodak product for that matter. They don't stand behind it. When I phoned Kodak about my E45 error they offered to repair it or replace the camera for 175.00 (same price for either option)and refused to admit there was a problem with the camera. I'm buying a Canon!
garbage (Digital Camera HQ user review)
mine died the same black picture death,kodak is Garbage!,made me waste my hard earned dinero
Double E45 error (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Worked great for the first nine months and got the lense jam during warranty. Kodak fixed it under warranty and it worked until halfway through our Costa Rica vacation after a little more than two more years. E45 and seeing these feedbacks I'll be heading out to another brand.
loved the camera (Digital Camera HQ user review)
we have the black death on our camera ls443 such a shame because it was exactly what we wanted .
if there is a common fault i think kodak should repair it for free warranty or not.
Another "Black Screen" complaint (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Same story as many others. I was at a family gathering when it happened after taking only 4 pictures. Never had any problems before that. I called Kodak and same offer - They do not support or repair the LS443 any longer, but would 'upgrade' it for a small charge. The 'upgrade' turned out to be a Z730 refurbished camera, with a free dock, for $150 plus $10.95 shippint plus local tax. Found the original receipt and thankfully, my wife had purchased a protectio plan on the camera so the place it was bought from is going to look at it and if it can't be repaired, they will give me a 'comparable' new one. If I have to ever buy another one though, it won't be from Kodak.
Relatively Happy until the Black Screen (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Enjoyed using the camera, found camera easy to use but took average photos, found night shots a little on the dark side. The docking station and program was easy to use,u ntil we went on holidays Feb 2006 and the LCD black screen occurred, couldn't take anymore photos. We never got it wet, dropped same or in anyway damaged it, it just quit working. After reading these reports on the same problems and Kodak's response to the problems, it would appear we are out of luck sending it to Kodak for repairs,(or warranty for a major problem). I feel the LS443 has some major problems that Kodak will not stand behind, and we will never recommend their product to anyone.
E45 Error. Honestly Kodak, do something (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Good while it lasted. Wouldn't you know mine got the error on the date I had my baby. We have no pictures of the arrival of our daughter.
happy ending (Digital Camera HQ user review)
E45 error ...Devastated to find no repair available.Researched camera as much as possible then phoned Australian head office with my complaint.Told them it was obviously a manufacturing fault and they were ripping customers off by not recalling .Took a while but my persistence paid off.I now have a z7590 plus dock for $35 to replace the dud LS443.I was not going to accept a discontinued model or refurbished camera.It took a while for the result but was well worth the effort.My sympathy to you all.Good luck in your battle!
Fixed Mine Free (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Lens jammed, my fault for crrying around in pants pocket activating lens in closed environment.
Kodak turned it around gratis in a week and upgraded
the selection wheel with alock so you can not activate camera by accident. Since then I have jammed the joystick toggle, limiting some camera features, but it still performs most functions. Buy a case!
horrible investment (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Loved the ease and picture quality of ls443 while it lasted. But, the lens thing occured. $125.00 is not an outrageous price for a replacement product. However, Kodak should not be rewarded for not supporting a product that should have been replaced for free. Canon here we come!
Endures a lot of abuse (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I'm 14 and i've brought this camera to school since grade 6, and now i'm in grade 9. I've taken it to A LOT of concerts,...dropped it,...and stepped on it. but it still works like a charm!
Error #45 (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I too have the dreaded E#45 appear on my LS443 camera display.Best solution to my problem i belive was to buy a Canon S21S. Wallet is a bit lighter but the problem went away. My photo quality also improved.
(Digital Camera HQ user review)
LS443 Camera, Lens, extra batteries @ a lot of money
now, nothing good, no repairs, accessories not compatible with other kodak camera
No kodak anymore!
Bad service from Kodak (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I bought this camera 2.5years ago. During 2 years I was extremely satisfied with it. The combination of good picture quality with easy to handle is not easy to be found. Until one day...when the (what I thought it was) the automatic white balance no longer worked. Tried to find reviews on the internet and for my surprise I got hundreds of hits, all with the same or identical problem! Picture color overlighted / shutters not responding...! Decided to contact Kodak even more surprised with the answer...- according to Kodak's helpdesk this camera has a shutter construction fault! It is well known to Kodak and therefore they would fix it free of charge. I would have to miss it for 3 to 4 weeks but that was ok with me. What I thought it was strange was that the helpdesk operator indicated that the problem would again occur!!!! Even after being serviced! Kodak would offer a discount on other models if I would decide not to send the old camera for servicing and buy a new one!!!!
I had paid around 350Euro for this camera!!! Maybe for Kodak 350Euro is not much but...for a consumer it means a lot!!!!
The camera was repaired within 2 weeks and worked fine until.....15days ago. 3 months after being serviced the shutter got stuck!!!!3 months!
Kodak is the worlds oldest photo camera producer
known for their product quality....well...not any longer.
If a car producer calls back cars that have a construction defect to the factory, then it would not be to much to expect from another producer to do the same. All the buyers of this camera should be asked to return the cameras and be given a similar model in substitution. It is not much to ask from a worldwide known manufacturer, that knows that one of their products has a construction fault, to replace the product by a similar one. No excuses from Kodak can be enough for buyers feelling "robbed".
And Expensive piece of Garbage (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Same camera, same story. I am extremely dissappointed with Kodak. We got the same "offer" of "we don't want to know anything about the camera you are having problems with but we'll be glad to sell you another one". I plan to tell everyone I know about my experience with their products.
Short Life Continues (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Mine also stopped working after 2.5 years called Kodak also told no repair available, was suckered into getting the LS443 replacement for @$150 with taxes, shipping, etc. Should have found this website first to find out it wasn't just my camera. I expect the LS443 will also end up being a disposable. Now I am concerned that the software the LS443 comes with will put my old computer over the edge and I will ultimately have to spend alot more for a new computer and a so so camera.
Will not record pictures (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I have really enjoyed using this camera: the picture quality except for red eye problems and how user friendly it is; however, at my mother-in-laws 84th bd party, it simply stopped recording pictures. Everything works: flash, menu LCD, even LCD date when I take a picture but only a black LCD where the picture should be. Called Kodak and was told they would replace with LS743, dock, cables, software n 1 yr. warranty for $100.00 if I return LS443 to them. I thought about it but after a lot of research I decided to buy a Minolta F5 this time which has 5 megapixel, 12X optical zoom, hot shoe capability as well as anti shake. So far I have not regretted putting the $100.00 towards the purchase of this camera except I would rather have spent the money with Kodak. I seriously considered the 7590 but it did not offer anti shake or hot shoe capability. From all my research, if you offer more than 8X zoom a camera needs anti shake for the best picture quality. I am disappointed in Kodak. Kodak is an American institution but they are short changing the consumer and if they continue shortchanging us, Kodak will disappear. What a shame!
Short life (Digital Camera HQ user review)
Was very happy with the quality of pictures and the ease of use until I started having trouble with the lens cover not shutting properly which caused non-functioning of the camera. It righted itself once but just now it has stuck again and I think there is no other action than bin it. The pictures I have taken over the 2 year period have been very expensive ones. I feel I have been ripped off.
Short Life (Digital Camera HQ user review)
As other viewers have stated, this is an easy camera to use as a beginner. Unfortunately, it stopped displaying pictures we were taking as we stood in front of the White House. Got back home and it had truly stopped taking pictures as the display showed. Camera lasted 2.5 years. Thank goodness for disposable cameras!
It's okay (Digital Camera HQ user review)
The LS 443 was my first digital camera way back then. It's very user friendly and not a battery eater. It's a bit slow but the images are acceptably sharp and clear if one doesn't try to push things. One drawback is there was no printer dock for it. I have far better equipment from Kodak now but I still use the LS 443 from time to time. Overall it was worth the price.
NO REPAIR AVAILABLE! (Digital Camera HQ user review)
While I liked by camera for the last two years - it now needs some repair. The answer when I called Kodak Company is "There is no repair available for the LS443. We will forward you information regarding trade in or up-grading."
Good camera - short lifespan! (Digital Camera HQ user review)
I've had my LS443 for almost 2 years. I loved the ease of use, and good quality pictures, until it suddenly quit working. Kodak didn't offer much as far as backing up there product. After spending $400, it only worked for 2 years, and Kodak will no longer fix the camera. They will upgrade me to a LS743 that has been refurbished, but it will cost me $125 plus taxes and S&H. On top of that, I will have to buy a new dock, because my old one won't work with the LS743. I'm very disappointed with Kodak's customer service policies. After doing some research, this seems to be a common problem. In the future, I will buy something other than a Kodak.