When shooting anamorphic for video, can you use any anamorphic projector lens? Or does it have to be a certain kind?
Three answers:
2014-01-22 13:59:35 UTC
There are anamorphic lenses and adapters that you could attach to a lens to accomplish this. You will need to film this way however and cannot conform with a projector later. Check out the link below for an example of a true anamorphic adapter that will conform a standard lens into this format. There is work that needs to be done in post to the image to convert it to what you are used to seeing in anamorphic movies, 2:35:1 and 2:40:1 aspect ratios. If you are going to do this rent over buy because the lenses and adapters are not cheap.
An anamorphic adapter on a projector will allow a 16;9 projector to display a anamorphic movie in a full screen format with no black bars on the top or bottom but you need a special screen to view it on, a 2:35:1 screen. It will place black bars to the left and right of standard 16X9 HDTV image. These are not cheap either.