Probably there's a bug in the photoviewer software - but you don't need it. Here's what to do:
Disconnect your camera from the compute.r
Restart your computer (turn it off, then on again), then uninstall all the Fujifilm software that was on that CD (to do this, you can go to the control panel, and pick Add or Remove Programs - remove anything called Finepix, etc).
After the uninstall is finished, restart your computer again.
Then just connect your computer and camera again using the USB cable - even though you don't have any software installed, your computer should recognize your camera and let you import the pictures without any problems.
But if you still do have problems, you could get a USB card reader for your camera - to use it, you would turn off your camera, remove the memory card, plug the memory card into the card reader, and then plug the card reader into your computer's USB port. Here is a typical USB card reader: There are many types, and you can even get them at places like Wal-Mart and Target. Just make sure you get one that works with the type of card in your camera (SD is the most common type of memory card).