2011-07-31 04:28:21 UTC
f=4.3mm - 111.8mm, equivalent to 24 - 624mm on a 35 mm camera
F3.1(Wide) - F5.9 (Telephoto)
now thing is that with these feature my camera should be able to click a quality pictures.... but it is giving a low quality picture of 72 dpi... where as my nikon 7 mp camera is able to click high quality 300 dpi picture
(my fujifilm box say made in china)
other detail of pics are
dimension 2048 x 1536
width 2048 pixel
height 1536
horizontal resolution 72 dpi
vertical resolution 72 dpi
bit depth 24
resolution 2
color rexperimentation sRGB
f-stop f/4.5
exposure time 1/4sec
iso speed ISO-400
exposure bias 0step
focal 10mm
max aperture 3.,26
metering mode pattern
brightness 0.49
exposure program portrait mode
sharpness normal
white balance auto
exif version 0230
and its optical zoom is not giving good quality pic also the picture click looks like some1 have crop a part of the pic to attain that pic doesnt 26 optical zoom meam that i get picture same quality like we get a picture when we dont use zoom otherwise we could simply crop a pic, what is the use of spending money for optical zoom ..........
where as my nikon 7 mp camera hade 4x optical zoom
i remeber when i clicked my brother pic using nikon camera it gave a high quality picture.. we could also crop the girl standing about 20 foot away from myn brother and that (cropped pic) was also high quality, we have enlarge copy of that pic (and believe me its not pixelated, infact it appear that i was just standing inderont of her and took her pic and she is posing for the pic only,,,,,,) where as I cant even get the clear enlarge copy of pic clicked by fujifilm s3300.. it is not giving a dense picture..
3 days ago - 5 days left to answer.
you can check these pictures to review the image taken by fujifilm s3300